Teaching and Outreach
Chamber Music
The Zodiac Trio is often called upon to conduct chamber music and instrumental master classes on the University level. Often interfaced with career advice to the aspiring students, Zodiac Trio’s master classes have garnered a reputation of being truly inspirational encounters! As founders of the Zodiac Music Academy & Festival, the Zodiac Trio are dedicated pedagogues and greatly enjoy working with young artists.
Some previous masterclasses include: San Francisco Conservatory, Western Michigan University, Boston Conservatory, University of Minnesotta, Kansas University, Drake University, Southeastern University of Oklahoma, Mount Allison Unversity (Canada), Acadia University (Canada), Conservatory of China, among numerous others.
Student Composer Readings / Presentation
Drawing heavily on the contemporary repertoire for its programming and working with living composers such as Richard Danielpour, the Zodiac Trio also offers special clinics for student composers to discuss the composer/performer relationship, and to read student composer’s compositions. The compositions are often presented on the featured concerts, professionally recorded or video recorded. A wonderful opportunity for young composers to have their works critiqued and professionally performed/recorded.
Some previous new music residencies have included: Tufts University, Roosevelt University, Manhattan School of Music, Berklee College of Music, University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (CCM), University of Missouri, U of C Berkley and others.
The Zodiac Trio offers a rich variety of outreach programs tailored specifically to various age groups from kindergarten to high school, Some possibilities are:
Peter and the Wolf - A special arrangemed of the classic tale, narrated and performed to stunning images by Jorg Muller. You can watch the video of the full performance below. A great way to bring this wonderful musical classic to schools without hiring an orchestra!
Why is there Music? - A lite yet informative presentation that lasts between 30-45 minutes, and is easily adjusted to the age group of the audience. The show presents each instruments with musical examples before entering an interactive musical discussion about the various reasons why music exists and what purpose it serves. Interlaces with performances by the trio, it engages the audiences and is both entertaining and inspiring!
Some feedback from previous Zodiac Trio school visits:
"Russian River Chamber Music had the pleasure of presenting the young ZODIAC TRIO recently and they did two school concerts and an evening concert for us on the same day. I've never seen an ensemble connect more effectively with kids than they did."
-Gary McLaughlin, Artistic Director, Russian River Chamber Music
“... We thought you connected exceptionally well with the students! Just the right amount of playfulness. And, of course, your music was beautiful! Thanks again to the Zodiac Trio for coming to Windsor and doing an educational outreach program!”
- Joella Olsen, Windsor Advocates for Music
“The Zodiac Trio DELIGHTED our young audiences with their energy,
educational ability, and masterful musicianship. They connected with
all ages brilliantly, and have that hard-to-describe "star quality"
that keeps audiences talking long after they have left.”
- Jan Sears, Liaison to the Schools, Grand County Classical Concert Series
Enterpreneurship Presentation
“Think Outside the Concert Hall” – Building your musical enterprise.
A presentation on building a multi-faceted career as a performer, educator and administrator; featuring specific examples and key elements.